By telling you exactly what you are getting, we don't waste or waste your time with "bait and hook" tactics.
Most people do not know that when they buy their vehicle with leather inferiors and with the increase in price that this represents, in many cases they are receiving a mixture of leather-vinyl. Except for some very exclusive and therefore very expensive car manufacturers that actually offer interiors composed of 100% automotive leather, unfortunately many companies that supply car covers think that if the houses that sell cars offer these mixtures as if they were pure leather interiors, they can do it too.
You will see that on our website, we offer you four types of basic options: ALL LEATHER; TWO MIXTURES OF VINYL LEATHER and EVERYTHING in VINYL.
To give you a clear idea of the percentages or pieces that will be leather and vinyl, on the Online orders page under the Material option, we graphically show you the areas of the seat that will be leather and vinyl respectively
Many people prefer the leather-vinyl combination not only because of its lower price but because vinyl is being widely used in the automotive industry and this material being more resistant to water and dirt, it adapts to the back of the front seats and that when passengers enter, especially children constantly step on and rub these pieces, therefore it is a good option to use vinyl in these parts.